Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Redfish New Orleans jan 2012 blog

I love the month of January! The reason? Big Redfish in New Orleans! This is the time of year when I get down to the Big Easy and target big Reds on the fly. I first fished the area in 2003 with my good friend Capt. Gregg Arnold. I had fished with Gregg on and episode of my first TV series “In Search of Fly water back in April of that year.

The following January , Gregg called me one cold night in san Diego and said “ you need to come down to New Orleans as soon as possible , I’ve found an area with giant redfish and I think we can break the world record on the fly IF you can get here in the next couple days”.

After I got off the phone with Gregg I immediately booked a plane ticket for the next morning. By the next afternoon Gregg and I were driving through downtown New Orleans planning our fly fishing attack.

Gregg and I fished hard for 3 days which resulted in 3 of the best days fishing I think I’ve ever experienced. We caught big number of redfish and ion our final day on the water we hooked and released 20 all over 25 pounds with the largest fish of the day being a world record redfish that tipped the scales at 41.65 pounds!!

There is no better place to fish during the winter months then New Orleans La for redfish.

If you go


Rod: 9 ft 9 wt

Reel: any good saltwater fly reels w/ 200 yards of 20 to 30 lb Dacron/Gel spun backing

Flyline: Floating WF Redfish taper flyline. (Make sure these lines are made for cooler waters)

Flies: Hailey’s Comet, Lex’s hip hop crab

CONTACT: Capt. Gregg Arnold ph: 504.237.6742 email: